The library's main floor will be closed until noon on Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, October 30th for electric work. 

The library's main floor will be closed until noon on Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, October 30th for electric work. 


Grand Trunk Site

Vision for the Future

Our Library Today

The Stratford Public Library serves a population of 33,232 through a single downtown location. The current library is located on St. Andrew Street and is a Carnegie library which opened in 1903. Over the 121 years since the library opened it has had two additions, one in 1926 and another in 1975. Over that time, the City of Stratford had grown dramatically, and the ways which the community uses the library has changed as well.

Our Space is Inadequate

Our library building is currently 12,472 net sqft. Based on a 2022 Space Needs assessment by Lamay Architects, the Library needs a minimum of 35,000 sqft for today,  and 44,000 sqft to adequately serve the Stratford community for the next 20 years. 

Our library  is located on a landlocked site where expanded services and future growth is not possible.  The multi-level layout of the library has led to inefficiencies in staffing and customer service, and provides significant accessibility challenges for users of all ages. Additionally, parking is extremely limited and cannot be expanded. 

Usage of SPL is not declining - it is growing. Each day, the library sees on average 450 visitors through its doors. Visitors borrow materials, use computers, attend programs, study, work, volunteer, and sometimes, just sit and read the newspaper - and often there are not enough seats to accommodate. 

Our Vision for the Future

The Library Board and staff believe a larger, single location is essential for the Library's ability to continue to meet the needs of the Stratford community.  With the desire of the community to keep SPL downtown, the Grand Trunk Renewal Site is thought to be the perfect location for this to happen. In partnership with the YMCA of Three Rivers and the City of Stratford, this presents the best opportunity to define and enhance the Grand Trunk site as a true community hub for Stratford residents.

A library at the Grand Trunk site has significant potential. By being located alongside the YMCA of Three Rivers, there are opportunities to share space and services, and in turn, reducing our individual footprints and operational costs. 

Some of the many benefits include:

  • Sufficient space to build a library which is adequate for today and can properly serve future generations
  • Opportunity to work more closely with the YMCA, nurturing both bodies and minds
  • Provide adequate space to work more fulsomely with our many other community partners
  • A downtown location, which has been communicated to us as being important by the community
  • Close to transit for better access and accessibility
  • Opportunity to generate revenue streams through a retail space and space rentals

Read more on our vision of the Stratford Public Library at the Grand Trunk site might look like. 

  • The current Stratford Library was built in 1903 for a population of 9,959. The population of the City of Stratford is expected to grow to over 44,000 by 2042.
  • A new site with adequate space would allow for the expansion of inclusive and accessible library services for our growing community:
    • Barrier-free access to the latest technology and state-of-the-art MakerSpace will inspire future leaders and makers.
    • A dynamic hub with a café, gaming area, and children's event space will foster collaboration, creativity, and shared experiences for all ages.
    • Flexible performance spaces and rental opportunities will provide a vibrant hub for diverse cultural expressions and gatherings, in addition to generating revenue.
    • Quiet, private study spaces for students, local entrepreneurs, community partners, and online studies.

Currently, our Library has 12,472 square feet. We are advocating for a new space that is 42,500 square feet. Most libraries are planned for the population they will serve in 20 to 30 years. Please see 2017 report done by Resource Planning Group to learn more.

By collocating along side the YMCA of Three Rivers, we plan sharing a joint lobby, washroom facilities, as well as community spaces like meeting rooms. This will reduce our footprint requirements by approximately 9,000 sqft. 

This has been studied both in 2003 and 2022 and has been found to not be possible. The 1975 addition is not loadbearing and a second floor cannot be added to the current structure.

Yes, a second library branch has been considered for the Stratford Public Library, but it is not being recommended at this time for a number of reasons:

  • The Library's staffing complement is designed for a single location. A satellite location would require additional staffing, loanable materials, technology, and overall operational expenditures which would increase the library budget substantially. 
  • The issues related to accessibility, parking, storage, and the aging infrastructure at the library's current location would remain and continue to grow.
  • A second location would increase the burden on the municipality by adding another facility with long-term maintenance needs.

The cost of a new library is difficult to accurately assess at this point due to the potential reuse of the Grand Trunk train shed, collaboration with partners such as the YMCA of Three Rivers, and an unknown ownership model at this time. But we do know that the average cost for a new library across Canada is $550 per square foot. 

The current library is relatively expensive to operate due to its multiple floor layout and entrance/exit design, requiring a higher number of staff. 

Initial calculations show that despite an increase in space, staffing needs in a new efficiently designed Library will not increase. Additionally, with an aim of improving the environmental efficiency, as well as sharing facility staff and expenses with other partners, it is anticipated that facility operating costs will remain cost neutral if not decrease. 

In 2024, approximately 12,000 visitors come through the Library doors every month!