Have you been thinking about Volunteering?
Share your time and talents with the Stratford Public Library in one or more of our rewarding volunteer roles.
We have a variety of roles, with a variety of time commitments. Applications are accepted anytime and held for one year pending openings, so it’s always good to get yours in the mix.
Teens, gain experience and volunteer hours with SPL. Extra bonus is that volunteering looks great on a resume!
Volunteer Roles
We are pleased to offer a variety of volunteer roles, and some of our ongoing roles are listed below.
Library Collection Maintenance:
- shelf-reading
- book mending
- audio/video collection maintenance
Technology Support:
- Tech Tutors
Programming Support:
- Children's Programming
- Summer Programs
- Teen Programming
- Adult Programming
- MakerSpace Programming
- Visiting Library Service
Become a Volunteer
You can also download the Volunteer Application or ask for one at the main desk.
If you have any questions, contact us at 519-271-0220 x 116 or volunteering@splibrary.ca.