Britannica Library: Public Library Ed
Provides teachers and students access to encyclopedia articles, images, videos, editorially-selected websites. Users are able to select the reading level of their articles. Students also have access to research guides to help them learn about the research process.
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Britannica Library: Reference Centre
Britannica brings all of the extensive research and in-depth articles that users expect from the traditional Encyclopaedia Britannica. Supplementing the encyclopedia articles, Britannica Online includes magazines and journals, selected "Web's Best" sites, multimedia, dictionary and thesaurus entries as well as links to the New York Times and the BBC News web sites. Additional content sources include Year in Review, World Data Analyst, Notable Quotations and Gateway to the Classics.
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Canadian Points of View
This full-text database is designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. The database provides information on 100 key topics of interest to Canadian researchers. Topics include the environment, human rights, race, substance abuse and many more. The database also offers guides to debate, developing arguments and writing position papers.
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Canadian Reference Centre
CRC includes Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books. This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international (U.S. and U.K) periodicals in full text; full-text reference books; full-text biographies and an Image Collection. Updated daily.
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Explora Canada
Explora Canada provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world’s leading magazines, reference books, news articles, and Associated Press videos. Browse categories organized by popular topics, and begin your research with Topic Overviews, which provide a solid starting point for discovery and understanding.
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Oxford English Dictionary
A searchable dictionary used to study the history, meaning, and pronunciation of words in the English language. Find out when a word was first used and how its context has changed over time.
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