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The library will be closed May 19 & 20 for Victoria Day. Why not check out our digital collections?


A monarch butterfly on a coneflower

Gardening in a Changing Climate

Monthly on the third Thursday at 7:00pm for 4 times
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Stratford Public Library is happy to be continuing our partnership with the Stratford and Area Master Gardeners for a new series starting January 2023!

Gardening in a Changing Climate brings four dynamic speakers right to your living room via Zoom, on topics that are good for the climate and for the soul as we hunker down during the frostier months. (Note: talks will likely focus on hardiness zones 5b-6b)

  • January 19 | Lorraine Johnson | Climate Change and the Garden - How can we make our gardens resilient in an era of climate change, more frequent droughts, habitat loss, and species decline? What are some of the connections between climate justice action and land-based practices such as gardening? In this action-oriented talk, Lorraine focuses on the many ways that our gardens can be places of ecological healing and beauty.
  • February 16 | Jen Llewellyn | Plant Health for a Changing Climate - Higher daily temperatures and longer growing seasons are having impacts on our landscape plants and the ecosystems around them. Jen will discuss gardening practices we can all employ to support beneficial organisms, minimize stress and increase resilience to pests in an ever-changing climate.   
  • March 16 | Sean James | Fusion Gardening - Climate change has resulted in worsening drought around the world including here in southwestern Ontario. Fusion Gardening blends LID (rainwater handling) with xeriscaping (drought-tolerant gardening) and folds in plantings to mitigate the effects of climate change and enhance biodiversity. One of the main focuses of this style is beauty and we’ll address the backbone of each of these disciplines and discuss how to do each artfully.
  • April 20 | Cathy Kavassalis | Transforming Landscapes in a Changing Climate: Beware the Sleeping Beauties - We gardeners shape landscapes with our plant choices. Those choices have consequences. Escaped garden plants are the primary source of invasive plants in Canada, and that problem will only grow as our climate warms. Come and learn how we can make better choices to safeguard nature.

*All but Lorraine Johnson's talk will be available on our YouTube channel following the event (approximately 2 weeks following)

Click here to register for Gardening in a Changing Climate